miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Personal Blog


                         Sandra Eunice Flores Villanueva

Address:  Priv. Alvaro Sermeño #703 street, Valle del Guadiana
Telephone:   618-8102607
Cellphone:    618-105-8322
Sandra Eunice Flores Villanueva, born on March 07 1993, in the state of Durango in Mexico, daughter of Mrs. Sandra Villanueva and  Mr. Francisco Flores, having five more children, Brenda, Ulices, Isvi, Zabdiel y Sarahi. Having a quiet childhood but a little problematic. Having a quiet childhood but a little problematic, starting with basic education elementary, middle and high school, this latter having to move to a town near Durango, for start after a professional career.
Personal and Professional Goals
My long-term personal goals is to get a good job that allows me to fulfill myself both personally and in the profesional.

My most important skills
My skills are the most important responsibility, honesty, my perseverance to finish my goals.
In my free time I listen to music, go out with friends and  time with my mom, these activities are mainly my hobbies.
Some Questions:
  •  If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your money?
        First travel the world, help my family and people who need
  •  Where is the one place in the world you would visit if you could, and why?
        Paris, I think it is a fantastic place that is worth knowing
  • Where is the one place in the world you would NOT want to visit, and why?
        Irak is a country with much violence, never would visit

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